Fav food

 Hello everyone, first I will tell you that my favorite food is Arab potatoes, the truth is I am not very good to eat, but when there is this food I am capable of having lunch twice, I really love them, their preparation is quite long and tedious, but it's worth it, they look even better when you add dressing. The recipe was shared by my grandmother with the whole family several years ago.

I also love ceviche, especially reineta, to be honest it is quite good when I prepare it. I think the best place to eat it is the cove of Valparaíso, they prepare it with fresh ingredients and it is really delicious.

On the contrary, the food I like the least is broad beans, I don't like their smell or taste in any recipe, my family loves them, I prepare another salad when there are broad beans for lunch.

Finally, my favorite dessert without a doubt is the Pompadour cake, a litter cake (“hojarasca”) with whipped cream and banana essence. It is a Chilean cake of French origin, very popular in Rancagua, I met it because my uncle's mother lives there and brings it for birthdays. In Santiago you can find this delicious cake in Ñuñoa, in the Pompadour Tradition Pastry, it has been manufactured there since 1939, it has many years of history.

See you later classmates!, comment if you also like my favorite foods or if you are from the clan against broad beans hahaha.


  1. I also love ceviche, especially with a lot of lemon juice and I'm from the clan against broad beans jajaja. I have never eaten the Arab potatoes.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I did not know Arab potatoes. It is a new recipe for me. In my case I don't like ceviche but I agree with you about the broad beans, they are really disgusting >.< hahaha


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