Future job

I am currently in my third year of architecture; I think it is a beautiful career. I am happy with the decision to have started this path.

I have constantly been interested in the design of houses, the innovation of materials and construction systems. The courses that I have enjoyed the most have been those on structure, construction-oriented workshops and those on sustainable design. For these reasons I wish to specialize in "technology, innovation and management".

After I would like to continue studying this branch and work on it. I aspire to be independent; I would like to start an office with a team dedicated to the design of sustainable homes. Many resources can be exploited to achieve a passive design in the houses, an efficient system, I think this would be a small contribution to architecture.

Fundamentally I want to guide my working life to prepare myself to be able to practice in other places, I want to live in other countries, learn about new cultures and nurture my architectural life with the exploration and study of other places.

I know that my strengths are the responsibility, optimism, dedication and passion that I place in my work, I like to go beyond what I have to accomplish, I explore what I am doing and I like to study constantly, learning never ends . In addition, I must mention that the university has taught me to work as a team and I greatly value this ability since I believe that for architecture it is fundamental.

As for my weaknesses, I need to work on commitment, I am scattered and if this quality is not measured it can be a problem, I must also improve my agility in stressful situations, be more objective and selective with pending tasks when I am under pressure.

Regards classmates!


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